The Bluffs Ho Tram ‐ Vietnam Greg Norman Course (World’s Best Golf Course 2015 )
Closer to home we have a number of “Australia’s Top 100” that have either utilised or trialled Mineral Magic in either green or nursery construction including;
Peninsula Kingswood Country Club
Lake Karrinyup Country Club
NSW Golf Club
Mt Lawley Golf Club
The Lakes Golf Club
Mollymook Golf Club
Catalina Country Club
Key Benefits Mineral Magic for Golf Courses.
Increased moisture retention
Mineral Magic holds more than 60% of its own volume in water. Unlike many amendments though, that water retained is plant available and just continues to ‘charge up and release’ forever. Its honeycomb-like structure creates a massive specific surface area to achieve this.
Once full of water, the mineral does not change form in any way like swelling, slaking, or going soft.
The feature of the water retention is that it works totally independently of the specification of the soil and therefore does not inhibit the free drainage desired in winter. In fact it actually works in a positive way by drawing excess water into the honeycomb like structure and reducing the effects of waterlogging and increasing firmness.
Resistance to drought stress
Once full of water, the mineral does not change form in any way like swelling, slaking, or going soft.
In addition the slow release of monosilicic acid (Plant Available Silicon) from Mineral Magic has been scientifically proven to slow down transpiration to provide additional heat and drought stress.
Minimise hand watering
Mineral Magic retains moisture at the root zone, virtually eliminating the time-intensive chore of hand watering due to a localised dry spot.
Nutrient retention
A Mineral Magic/sand root zone mix holds on to more fertiliser at the root zone and exchanges nutrients more efficiently with a CEC of approximately 50 times that of the sand. Fewer nutrients leached into the water table means a positive impact on the environment.
Reduce fertiliser use and costs
Using Mineral Magic instead of peat as an amendment for sand-based greens gives the root zone a higher CEC value (nutrient-holding capacity) and this lengthens the intervals and/or the application rates and therefore reduces the amount of fertiliser costs.
Reduce pesticide use and costs
One of the most significant benefits of using Mineral Magic is the slow release of monosilicic acid (Plant Available Silicon) . Monosilicic acid has been proven to provide a major resistance to all biotic and abiotic stresses by strengthening the cell wall of the plant.
Silicon disease reduction in various turfgrass species
Ref: Datnoff, L.E. (2005). Silicon in the Life and Performance of Turfgrass. Applied Turfgrass Science, 2(1), pp.1-6.
In addition, better aeration and air/water-holding capacity at the root zone reduces the pressure on turf that leaves it susceptible to insect or disease damage. Healthier turf means less pesticide use and that translates into greater profitability for you.
Permanently improve the root zone
Unlike peat and other inferior conditioners that naturally degrade over time, Mineral Magic particles retain their structure to permanently enhance the root zone.
Even after 20 years of use – long after peat/sand mixes fall out of USGA spec – there is minimal degradation in amorphous silica/sand mixes.
Increase oxygen levels at the root zone
Mineral Magic/sand greens have a greater oxygen-holding capacity than peat/sand greens. Greater oxygen at the root zone aids in the ability to combat localized dry spot, wet greens, compaction, traffic, algae, and poor nutrient retention.
Increase root depth and density
As shown in a study by Dr. Ed McCoy (Ohio State University), “Analysis of Water Flow and Turfgrass Stress,” the increased porosity of 20 percent amorphous silica* amended root zone allows roots to grow approximately 70mm deeper than when amended with peat. Deeper roots mean greater resistance to heat and wear stress.
Closer to home – at the Mt Lawley Golf Club in WA, the roots were protruding out of the bottom of the cup changer at 8 weeks!* (US product – “Profile”)
Symbiotic relationships
Mineral Magic develops a symbiotic relationship with organic amendments and enhanced microbial activity. Mineral Magic is not a silver bullet. It does however form an integral part of what we describe as;
SOAP – Sum Of All Parts
Another of the parts required in achieving the best amended soil for turfgrass production is an organic in the form of compost or manure.
In all field trials and reconstructions we have witnessed;
Mineral Magic made a significant difference over any control plot that was untreated
Organic compost made a significant difference over any control plot that was untreated
The two of these combined made an exponential difference ( a 1 + 1 = 3 so to speak ) and outperformed either of the treatments just on their own.
The most distinctive evidence of this was the water holding capacity, rhizosphere (root) biomass and the Fungal/Bacteria ratio. ( As tested with microBIOMETER® )
Permanently improve the root zone
Unlike peat and other inferior conditioners that naturally degrade over time, Mineral Magic particles retain their structure to permanently enhance the root zone.
Even after 20 years of use – long after peat/sand mixes fall out of USGA spec – there is minimal degradation in amorphous silica/sand mixes.
Mineral Magic Lawn Conditioner
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